Tuesday, May 31, 2005
用腳頭夫想也知, 喜歡自動自發去交稅的是少之又少.
國外有一些小黨 (永遠都有, 而且名字非常難記), 選舉口號是:全民不用交稅.
有人問到底民粹的真正定義是何. 這就是民粹. (把事情極簡單化,讓大多數人聽爽)
ehh...是不是要加上一句...最低賦稅法 不是就要向公商業下手?
不問現在的赤字怎麼解決, 只是"大家真的都納稅辛苦了, 廣大的受薪族......"
國民所得是增得少, 這和解決財政赤字是二件事, 都很重要的課題.
誰加誰減一定是眾說紛紜, 目的都一樣, 要經濟成長, 賦稅更公平.所以,提個"具體"方案再來比較.
新聞眼》薪水族 減稅無緣 加稅有份
記者 孫中英
財 政部今年積極推動「最低稅負制」,財政部長林全強調「要企業多少繳出一點稅」的立論,總算讓受薪大眾心裡好受一點。但昨天總統府財經顧問小組洋洋灑灑提出 六大項稅改政策,第一點就是要在三年內提高台灣國民租稅負擔比率一個百分點以上。財政部評估,三年內必須增加一千五百億元稅收,全體國民都關心:政府要對 誰加稅?
扁裁示 未來三年 全民增稅
國外有一些小黨 (永遠都有, 而且名字非常難記), 選舉口號是:全民不用交稅.
有人問到底民粹的真正定義是何. 這就是民粹. (把事情極簡單化,讓大多數人聽爽)
ehh...是不是要加上一句...最低賦稅法 不是就要向公商業下手?
不問現在的赤字怎麼解決, 只是"大家真的都納稅辛苦了, 廣大的受薪族......"
國民所得是增得少, 這和解決財政赤字是二件事, 都很重要的課題.
誰加誰減一定是眾說紛紜, 目的都一樣, 要經濟成長, 賦稅更公平.所以,提個"具體"方案再來比較.
新聞眼》薪水族 減稅無緣 加稅有份
記者 孫中英
財 政部今年積極推動「最低稅負制」,財政部長林全強調「要企業多少繳出一點稅」的立論,總算讓受薪大眾心裡好受一點。但昨天總統府財經顧問小組洋洋灑灑提出 六大項稅改政策,第一點就是要在三年內提高台灣國民租稅負擔比率一個百分點以上。財政部評估,三年內必須增加一千五百億元稅收,全體國民都關心:政府要對 誰加稅?
扁裁示 未來三年 全民增稅
Monday, May 16, 2005
The one gets the last laugh wins
Last election...
I wrote "the one gets the last laugh wins." Now the election is over.
We know who is getting the last laugh.
When President Chen Shui-bian went on TV interview spree, there were overwhelming negative responses against him (i saw them mostly on print media, 聯合, 中時, 自由 和 台時). I begged to differ. Now it's clear that it's better to be balanced. In case there is something unpredictable.
His tv time is designed to turn out the votes (read, his base), less to swing the indifference swing voters.
I wrote "the one gets the last laugh wins." Now the election is over.
We know who is getting the last laugh.
When President Chen Shui-bian went on TV interview spree, there were overwhelming negative responses against him (i saw them mostly on print media, 聯合, 中時, 自由 和 台時). I begged to differ. Now it's clear that it's better to be balanced. In case there is something unpredictable.
His tv time is designed to turn out the votes (read, his base), less to swing the indifference swing voters.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Result of May 14 Poll
President Chen Shui-bian gambles big. And win handsomely.
He put all his political stakes on this National Assembly election. The pre-election polls all show his party will do poorly. But he pulled out nicely.
The high approving rate (over 54%) of Lien & Soong's China trip doesn't translate well into the poll result.
The widely reported Chen Shui-bian and Lee Teng-hui's "bickering" turns out there is no immediate "defect" from DPP to TSU.
The final votes DPP plus TSU just under 50% (49.6%) vs pan-blue's 45.0%.
Though the turnout is dismal 23.4%
He put all his political stakes on this National Assembly election. The pre-election polls all show his party will do poorly. But he pulled out nicely.
The high approving rate (over 54%) of Lien & Soong's China trip doesn't translate well into the poll result.
The widely reported Chen Shui-bian and Lee Teng-hui's "bickering" turns out there is no immediate "defect" from DPP to TSU.
The final votes DPP plus TSU just under 50% (49.6%) vs pan-blue's 45.0%.
Though the turnout is dismal 23.4%
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Watch out, Koreans are coming
New York Times, may 12
Missha, the beauty chain based in South Korea, has opened a shop in Midtown, its first in the United States. The cosmetics' no-frills packaging helps keep prices low. (Nothing in the store is more than $14.99.) At 516 Fifth Avenue, (212) 596-4012.
Missha, the beauty chain based in South Korea, has opened a shop in Midtown, its first in the United States. The cosmetics' no-frills packaging helps keep prices low. (Nothing in the store is more than $14.99.) At 516 Fifth Avenue, (212) 596-4012.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Barton Silverman/The New York Times

Barton Silverman/The New York Times
the beauty of Antonio Chiang's column is his calmness and matter of factness.
he doesn't speculate that Mr. Lee Teng-hui may feel the backlash from his heavy-handedness on Mr. Chen Shui-bian, so Mr. Lee chooses to stay the sideline instead of defending himself.
he doesn't say since the opposition doesn't recognize President Chen, they are in no position to criticize him as unpresidential.
he doesn't since 2004 presidential campaign, the pro-unification media (統派媒體) try to portrait Chen-Lee's relation as poisonous, thus it should be no surprise that the mass media are SO HAPPY to give headlines over headlines on their poisonous relation (if it WAS bad, how worse can it go? Hello, the pro-china media)
what he wrote is give both sides (chen and lee) the reasons and facts.
what i can write is "a short term and long term goals" but he crystallizes as "但另一方面必須面對日益複雜的兩岸關係,台海和平和區域安全與台灣的民主化如何兼顧,這是一個全新的課題。"....
viva la lucidness.
he doesn't speculate that Mr. Lee Teng-hui may feel the backlash from his heavy-handedness on Mr. Chen Shui-bian, so Mr. Lee chooses to stay the sideline instead of defending himself.
he doesn't say since the opposition doesn't recognize President Chen, they are in no position to criticize him as unpresidential.
he doesn't since 2004 presidential campaign, the pro-unification media (統派媒體) try to portrait Chen-Lee's relation as poisonous, thus it should be no surprise that the mass media are SO HAPPY to give headlines over headlines on their poisonous relation (if it WAS bad, how worse can it go? Hello, the pro-china media)
what he wrote is give both sides (chen and lee) the reasons and facts.
what i can write is "a short term and long term goals" but he crystallizes as "但另一方面必須面對日益複雜的兩岸關係,台海和平和區域安全與台灣
viva la lucidness.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Basically, to be interviewed LIVE is a way to directly talk to the nation without distortion of our perverse media. To be interviewed by 鄭弘儀 is better than by Chao (i don't have any respect for Chao, no matter how popular he is).
Besides, this election is decided by turnout, not to convert swing voters. So he is talking to his base (pangreen supporters who are disappointed with him). He stirs up some controversy and people will get attention and go to the poll.
Mr. Chen made some revelation that former President Lee advised him to meet with Soong.
It's a serious accusation (or revelation).
If Chen is right, then we see Lee as hypocratic (hiding the fact that it's his initiative). He is for no-holds-bar Taiwan Indepence and it's his right. But Lee has no rights to politicize everything and without any reservation. 這叫什麼...為反對而反對..or knee-jerk TIers.
If Chen is lying about that... ok he is ruining his legacy. but there is limit on what's tactics and what's principle. Time is tough. TI is difficult and challenging. We have short-term and long-term goals. See whoa are clean and good standing, 林義雄..李遠哲... but they hide their politic belief (are they for a new constitution or not). If Chen is in the kitchen, he can (and should, i think he now) stand the heat.
my views on chen-soong meeting and lien/soong to china are basically positive.
i know it's contrary to yours.
there are a lot to criticize Lien (for defaming taiwan/chen in the foreign country)... but there are strong pressure from the States, we can't keep blind eyes.
ask a kid to be knee-jerk TIer. he or she can easily do a good job. but in reality we have to take the heat and do the right thing. even though on the road, we might be catigated.
the one gets the last laugh WINS.
Besides, this election is decided by turnout, not to convert swing voters. So he is talking to his base (pangreen supporters who are disappointed with him). He stirs up some controversy and people will get attention and go to the poll.
Mr. Chen made some revelation that former President Lee advised him to meet with Soong.
It's a serious accusation (or revelation).
If Chen is right, then we see Lee as hypocratic (hiding the fact that it's his initiative). He is for no-holds-bar Taiwan Indepence and it's his right. But Lee has no rights to politicize everything and without any reservation. 這叫什麼...為反對而反對..or knee-jerk TIers.
If Chen is lying about that... ok he is ruining his legacy. but there is limit on what's tactics and what's principle. Time is tough. TI is difficult and challenging. We have short-term and long-term goals. See whoa are clean and good standing, 林義雄..李遠哲... but they hide their politic belief (are they for a new constitution or not). If Chen is in the kitchen, he can (and should, i think he now) stand the heat.
my views on chen-soong meeting and lien/soong to china are basically positive.
i know it's contrary to yours.
there are a lot to criticize Lien (for defaming taiwan/chen in the foreign country)... but there are strong pressure from the States, we can't keep blind eyes.
ask a kid to be knee-jerk TIer. he or she can easily do a good job. but in reality we have to take the heat and do the right thing. even though on the road, we might be catigated.
the one gets the last laugh WINS.
I watched the full-length (3.5 hours) TV interview with President Chen Shui-bian. Nowaday, rarely spent so much time on political tv, but, I have to admit, it's very juicy and enjoyable. Not that Mr. Chen is at his best, but watching him full of energy and with daily-life colloquial chat(好像在路邊攤和他坐小板凳喝台啤,談政治是非)。No matter what's your political standing, have to admit that he is like a super-charged videogame role. 特殊死光一出, 螢幕一片火光,炸死了一堆人,是敵是友,尚待下回,不過總是不會沒有爭議。 In my humble opinion, it's better to have someone with *impact* than a sitting duck.
三立新聞在第二天的"台灣向前行"訪談中, 加上字幕. 有一段很明顯的是"黨政軍", 竟出現"黨,政,金"。好啦, 他真的是這樣唸的。可見,五年級和六年級的生長過程真的不太一樣。
或是現在普遍認為"金" 是金控。 Goodbye, military influence. That's good for everyone.
三立新聞在第二天的"台灣向前行"訪談中, 加上字幕. 有一段很明顯的是"黨政軍", 竟出現"黨,政,金"。好啦, 他真的是這樣唸的。可見,五年級和六年級的生長過程真的不太一樣。
或是現在普遍認為"金" 是金控。 Goodbye, military influence. That's good for everyone.
Monday, May 02, 2005
** *** ** *** from some news website..
** ** ** ***
除了大雨,還是大雨。 such a cliche..
除了除了還是,還是除了還是。 how about that?
除了它,還是它。 (use "除了還是" to replace 它, to get this word play below)
** ** ** ***
除了大雨,還是大雨。 such a cliche..
除了除了還是,還是除了還是。 how about that?
除了它,還是它。 (use "除了還是" to replace 它, to get this word play below)
Listening to Thomas Fieldman, the New York Times Columnist..
He said something interesting (his new book, "the world is flat", is just out)...
Thinking about a policy, if we give every foreigner who study here (U.S.) and get a Ph.D., give them green cards... any Ph.D., no matter it's Greek mythology..
now less foreigners study at the higher edu. instutition in the U.S. ..
Thinking about a policy, if we give every foreigner who study here (U.S.) and get a Ph.D., give them green cards... any Ph.D., no matter it's Greek mythology..
now less foreigners study at the higher edu. instutition in the U.S. ..