Thursday, October 07, 2004

從副總統辯論也有一點volleyball philosophy

從副總統辯論也有一點volleyball philosophy 喔

Mr. Edwards frequently drew the vice president's ire
- and also drew Mr. Cheney's attention away from Mr.
Kerry, his intended target.

"Senator, you have a record in the Senate that is not
very distinguished,'' Mr. Cheney said at one point,
looking sternly at Mr. Edwards as he proceeded to
scold him for missing votes in the Senate. It was 11
minutes before Mr. Cheney attacked Mr. Kerry

簡單的說,Cheney 想對總統候選人Kerry 的猛攻, 被Edwards
攔截,it's like blocking in volleyball. Put it simply,
just to stop the attacks from the opposite site

But rather, it's a way to disburb the opponents'
rhythm and strength. So to force the opponents to react
by "covering" (or to save by retrieving it). thus reduce
their ability to launch new waves of attacks.

Of course, if blocking is so devastatingly effective,
there will be no follow-up attack, the ball is down

But the tactic of the blocking in real life is,
a block can be aggressively pursued to act like an

My very nonsense, just blabbing

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