Tuesday, January 11, 2005
2004 US Election
* * * Excerpt from How Bush Really Won of The New York Review of Books * * *
It's a "narrow but clear" victory [of Bush's relection]... unusual candor from a Republican, William Kristol.
* * * Another excerpt * * *
This analysis suggests the difficulties Kerry faced in pressing home his highly "fact-dependent" argument that the Iraq war was separate from the war on terror and thus a mistaken distraction from it. Not only did accepting the point require a good deal of sophistication and knowledge, not only did it seem to contradict the evidence on Americans' television screens each night, which often showed vivid depictions of terrorism in Iraq; it also seemed to imply to some voters that they should take what must have seemed an unpatriotic position. For if they accepted the false pretenses on which the war had been based, how could they go on supporting it, as Kerry, somewhat illogically and even dishonestly, seemed to be asking them to do?