Tuesday, March 29, 2005
My Xearth desktop.... an 8.6 earthquake in Indonesia
Friday, March 25, 2005
最喜歡的一段是,李康生和陳湘琪在桌下with cigarette.
My previous post: 我最喜歡的一段是,李康生和陳湘琪在桌下with cigarette. So beautifully shot, witty and erotic, ....
Apparently, 李康生 is thinking the same. (see the photo)
Apparently, 李康生 is thinking the same. (see the photo)
LINK:電影《天邊一朵雲(The Wayward Cloud)》觀後感
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Walk the walk, not talk the talk
President Chen Shui-bian said he will walk on March 26's march for against anti-session law, but not talk. A godsent for headline writers as this post's title.
I don't agree with her
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Who shot president Chen Shui-bian? Part II
The New York Times said the plot of shooting president Chen is like "dime store novel."
I think by reporting this case in the New York Times, it lends importance (not necessarily credibility) to the police's finding. But to balance both sides, it added the scenario is like "pulp fiction" (actually, it could be, thought not imply it's totally true)...
I think by reporting this case in the New York Times, it lends importance (not necessarily credibility) to the police's finding. But to balance both sides, it added the scenario is like "pulp fiction" (actually, it could be, thought not imply it's totally true)...
Monday, March 21, 2005
聞天祥's view about 天邊一朵雲
中國時報 D2/娛樂焦點 2005/03/20
《焦點影評》天邊一朵雲 從身體與性探索心靈
電影一開始,陳湘琪跟一個穿護士服抱著西瓜的女生擦身而過,接下來我們看到西瓜成了飾演護士的AV女優(夜櫻李子飾)離奇的性器象徵,在李康生的撫弄下 「高潮疊起」,而當交叉剪接呈現陳湘琪在客廳雙腿夾著小沙發看電視,尋常自在的家居動作,竟也讓人不由得感到情色的聯想。不僅如此,從吸吮吞嚥蟹腳的飲食 動作,甚至一盤淋上勾芡蝦仁的炸米粉,都充滿了性的曖昧。
高度象徵性的電影語言,讓這部對話極少的電影達到一種自給自足的境界。看似寫實的場 景、道具、動作,透過對比、並置、聯想、引伸,開啟了豐厚的意涵。電影表面上可以拆解成3個層次:小康跟湘琪的情感生活,小康跟AV女優的拍片工作,第3 就是另有隱喻或寄託角色心理的歌舞場面,這個部分則令人聯想到蔡明亮的「洞」。
「身體」是蔡明亮這次探索心理的工具,或者說手段。身體可以讓 人覺得美,也可能醜陋;同樣的,它既是尊貴的,卻也可以被販賣。缺水的環境如同飢渴的內心,而鮮紅欲滴的西瓜汁則成了另種變相的取代,水佔了身體最多的比 重,身體需要水,就像需要感情,然而想被填滿的慾望,則藉由喝水與性交來表現。
片中的每個角色,幾乎都有變成爬蟲類、陽具、甚至死屍的扭曲時 刻,而且彼此都失去語言(溝通)的能力。演員的豁出去,可以看到他們與導演之間的信任。諷刺的是,我們看到用身體賺錢的小康,反而跟有真實情感的湘琪幾乎 沒有實際的性接觸。直到最後急轉直下、湘琪發現小康工作性質的時候,蔡明亮以怪異的創意,極其難堪、殘酷的方式,直探性交與愛情的界線。
因為在柏林得獎、更因為片中對身體的呈現方式,讓「天邊一朵雲」成為好久以來媒體與大眾難得關注的國片。其實熟悉蔡明亮風格的人,會發現「天邊一朵雲」 還是百分之百的蔡明亮作品。只不過當它激發出「色情」與「藝術」的爭議,而且許多聲音都指向這兩者應該截然兩分時,我才驚訝的發現:原來從嘴邊到路邊都充 斥色情文化的台灣,對藝術的想像力和包容度,竟是如此狹隘。這個事實,恐怕比本片的尺度更讓人擔憂!
《焦點影評》天邊一朵雲 從身體與性探索心靈
電影一開始,陳湘琪跟一個穿護士服抱著西瓜的女生擦身而過,接下來我們看到西瓜成了飾演護士的AV女優(夜櫻李子飾)離奇的性器象徵,在李康生的撫弄下 「高潮疊起」,而當交叉剪接呈現陳湘琪在客廳雙腿夾著小沙發看電視,尋常自在的家居動作,竟也讓人不由得感到情色的聯想。不僅如此,從吸吮吞嚥蟹腳的飲食 動作,甚至一盤淋上勾芡蝦仁的炸米粉,都充滿了性的曖昧。
高度象徵性的電影語言,讓這部對話極少的電影達到一種自給自足的境界。看似寫實的場 景、道具、動作,透過對比、並置、聯想、引伸,開啟了豐厚的意涵。電影表面上可以拆解成3個層次:小康跟湘琪的情感生活,小康跟AV女優的拍片工作,第3 就是另有隱喻或寄託角色心理的歌舞場面,這個部分則令人聯想到蔡明亮的「洞」。
「身體」是蔡明亮這次探索心理的工具,或者說手段。身體可以讓 人覺得美,也可能醜陋;同樣的,它既是尊貴的,卻也可以被販賣。缺水的環境如同飢渴的內心,而鮮紅欲滴的西瓜汁則成了另種變相的取代,水佔了身體最多的比 重,身體需要水,就像需要感情,然而想被填滿的慾望,則藉由喝水與性交來表現。
片中的每個角色,幾乎都有變成爬蟲類、陽具、甚至死屍的扭曲時 刻,而且彼此都失去語言(溝通)的能力。演員的豁出去,可以看到他們與導演之間的信任。諷刺的是,我們看到用身體賺錢的小康,反而跟有真實情感的湘琪幾乎 沒有實際的性接觸。直到最後急轉直下、湘琪發現小康工作性質的時候,蔡明亮以怪異的創意,極其難堪、殘酷的方式,直探性交與愛情的界線。
因為在柏林得獎、更因為片中對身體的呈現方式,讓「天邊一朵雲」成為好久以來媒體與大眾難得關注的國片。其實熟悉蔡明亮風格的人,會發現「天邊一朵雲」 還是百分之百的蔡明亮作品。只不過當它激發出「色情」與「藝術」的爭議,而且許多聲音都指向這兩者應該截然兩分時,我才驚訝的發現:原來從嘴邊到路邊都充 斥色情文化的台灣,對藝術的想像力和包容度,竟是如此狹隘。這個事實,恐怕比本片的尺度更讓人擔憂!
Afterthought of Tsai Ming-liang's "Wayward Cloud"
Stop reading otherwise it might reveal the plot Tsai Ming-liang's "Wayward Cloud," if you plan to watch it.

片中和"蔣銅像"的愛撫戲,在"你那邊幾點"片中,己有一幕陸弈靜在床上,有蔣公遺照旁,用籐枕自慰。大概在投射台灣的一些(有意,無意的)愛戴者, 不是很合"今夕是何夕"嗎。不過現在"天邊一朵雲"的蔣愛撫戲,only comic effects, no shocking value. (I mean it a good way)
我最喜歡的一段是,李康生和陳湘琪在桌下with cigarette. So beautifully shot, witty and erotic, probably Tsai Ming-liang's answer to his own A片。
About the implication of the "dubbed" effect in adult video,
1. At the last (very dramatic) scene, Chen Shiang-qi's vocalization over the twosome sex scene between Lee Kang-sheng and the Japanese porn actress.
2. The scene of Chen Shiang-qi's fake birth-giving (with a big watermelon) with her moaning. Next scene is the porn star's masturbation with a pet bottle. Of course, she is moaning as well.
3. The 60's musical scenes, no doubt, are dubbed.
The saddest moment
The alleged "oral sex" scene is less shocking to me than sad. I haven't seen such a (almost) still shot of pseudo oral-sex scene that is such a sad and mediatating still-time event.
The emphasis
The last scene...
Since when, the focus is all on the exchanging gaze between Chen Shiang-qi and Lee kang-sheng instead of the porn-making process. I mean, the attention gathering is on the emotional side instead of physical sex act.
And the China Airline Stewardess
Why is there a poster (two nicely dressed stewardess) right next to Chen Shiang-qi when she witnessed the live sex.
You see the production (the adult video). You see the making process (live sex.) Also the grueling scene of the body of the unconscious porn star being dragged around. Which one do you believe? The sanitized (or dramatized) result? Or the real (realistic) one. Now I don't know if I can see straight to the poster with their sweet smile.
The newscast and the Adult video (which one is more pornographic?)
The TV news shows the idotic game of spitting the watermelon seed and the legislative yuan (Taiwan's parliament) farce.
The bathroom scene of simulated sex scene between Lee Kang-sheng and Lu Yi-jing is a self-mocking scene of Tsai's water-obsessed metaphors. I think Tsai wants to make a joke of how he made his previous films.....
I heard that An Lee had attended the premiere of "Wayward Cloud" in Kaohsiung. If Tsai Ming-liang is as "cinema's most consistent oeuvre" (Village Voice), then An Lee is the opposite, most unpredicable, genre-wise.

片中和"蔣銅像"的愛撫戲,在"你那邊幾點"片中,己有一幕陸弈靜在床上,有蔣公遺照旁,用籐枕自慰。大概在投射台灣的一些(有意,無意的)愛戴者, 不是很合"今夕是何夕"嗎。不過現在"天邊一朵雲"的蔣愛撫戲,only comic effects, no shocking value. (I mean it a good way)
我最喜歡的一段是,李康生和陳湘琪在桌下with cigarette. So beautifully shot, witty and erotic, probably Tsai Ming-liang's answer to his own A片。
About the implication of the "dubbed" effect in adult video,
1. At the last (very dramatic) scene, Chen Shiang-qi's vocalization over the twosome sex scene between Lee Kang-sheng and the Japanese porn actress.
2. The scene of Chen Shiang-qi's fake birth-giving (with a big watermelon) with her moaning. Next scene is the porn star's masturbation with a pet bottle. Of course, she is moaning as well.
3. The 60's musical scenes, no doubt, are dubbed.
The saddest moment
The alleged "oral sex" scene is less shocking to me than sad. I haven't seen such a (almost) still shot of pseudo oral-sex scene that is such a sad and mediatating still-time event.
The emphasis
The last scene...
Since when, the focus is all on the exchanging gaze between Chen Shiang-qi and Lee kang-sheng instead of the porn-making process. I mean, the attention gathering is on the emotional side instead of physical sex act.
And the China Airline Stewardess
Why is there a poster (two nicely dressed stewardess) right next to Chen Shiang-qi when she witnessed the live sex.
You see the production (the adult video). You see the making process (live sex.) Also the grueling scene of the body of the unconscious porn star being dragged around. Which one do you believe? The sanitized (or dramatized) result? Or the real (realistic) one. Now I don't know if I can see straight to the poster with their sweet smile.
The newscast and the Adult video (which one is more pornographic?)
The TV news shows the idotic game of spitting the watermelon seed and the legislative yuan (Taiwan's parliament) farce.
The bathroom scene of simulated sex scene between Lee Kang-sheng and Lu Yi-jing is a self-mocking scene of Tsai's water-obsessed metaphors. I think Tsai wants to make a joke of how he made his previous films.....
I heard that An Lee had attended the premiere of "Wayward Cloud" in Kaohsiung. If Tsai Ming-liang is as "cinema's most consistent oeuvre" (Village Voice), then An Lee is the opposite, most unpredicable, genre-wise.
Monday, March 14, 2005
Diane Arbus (1923-1971), a photographer
Sunday, March 13, 2005
今天要來說明 GAP, 如何發音。
gate (長音)
get (中中的)
gap (促音,比較難的)
其實中文的幹音(ok, 是這個字的發音),把它想成是gap的母音,就對了。
(以上教材,馬英九熱情推薦,吳淡如真情支持,章(蔣,i am sorry)孝嚴搖頭)
gate (長音)
get (中中的)
gap (促音,比較難的)
其實中文的幹音(ok, 是這個字的發音),把它想成是gap的母音,就對了。
(以上教材,馬英九熱情推薦,吳淡如真情支持,章(蔣,i am sorry)孝嚴搖頭)
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Who shot president Chen Shui-bian?
Overhead from the ICRT radio news, Taiwanese government requests an apology from the New York Times over a piece on the police investigation of the shooting event prior to the Taiwan 2004 Presidential election. According to the New York Times's reporter Keith Bradsher:
... Spinning the sort of story once found in dime store novels,......
I think so. The incident has a great impact on Taiwan's nascent democratic history. It should be investigated with vigor and without partisan...
Imagine how the "alleged" suicide would happen?
Yet another angry white man? (ok, forgive the pun, angry pan-blue man?)
If he really committed this crime, imagine how he would have faced the criticism from both sides (pan-blue loathes him for spoiling the election; pan-green hates his killing) and how about his families? the repercusion....
It's not imaginable that after the police published the photo (and video) on TV, the pressure he must have endured would mount to ad nauseam.
... Spinning the sort of story once found in dime store novels,......
I think so. The incident has a great impact on Taiwan's nascent democratic history. It should be investigated with vigor and without partisan...
Imagine how the "alleged" suicide would happen?
Yet another angry white man? (ok, forgive the pun, angry pan-blue man?)
If he really committed this crime, imagine how he would have faced the criticism from both sides (pan-blue loathes him for spoiling the election; pan-green hates his killing) and how about his families? the repercusion....
It's not imaginable that after the police published the photo (and video) on TV, the pressure he must have endured would mount to ad nauseam.