Monday, March 21, 2005
Afterthought of Tsai Ming-liang's "Wayward Cloud"
Stop reading otherwise it might reveal the plot Tsai Ming-liang's "Wayward Cloud," if you plan to watch it.

片中和"蔣銅像"的愛撫戲,在"你那邊幾點"片中,己有一幕陸弈靜在床上,有蔣公遺照旁,用籐枕自慰。大概在投射台灣的一些(有意,無意的)愛戴者, 不是很合"今夕是何夕"嗎。不過現在"天邊一朵雲"的蔣愛撫戲,only comic effects, no shocking value. (I mean it a good way)
我最喜歡的一段是,李康生和陳湘琪在桌下with cigarette. So beautifully shot, witty and erotic, probably Tsai Ming-liang's answer to his own A片。
About the implication of the "dubbed" effect in adult video,
1. At the last (very dramatic) scene, Chen Shiang-qi's vocalization over the twosome sex scene between Lee Kang-sheng and the Japanese porn actress.
2. The scene of Chen Shiang-qi's fake birth-giving (with a big watermelon) with her moaning. Next scene is the porn star's masturbation with a pet bottle. Of course, she is moaning as well.
3. The 60's musical scenes, no doubt, are dubbed.
The saddest moment
The alleged "oral sex" scene is less shocking to me than sad. I haven't seen such a (almost) still shot of pseudo oral-sex scene that is such a sad and mediatating still-time event.
The emphasis
The last scene...
Since when, the focus is all on the exchanging gaze between Chen Shiang-qi and Lee kang-sheng instead of the porn-making process. I mean, the attention gathering is on the emotional side instead of physical sex act.
And the China Airline Stewardess
Why is there a poster (two nicely dressed stewardess) right next to Chen Shiang-qi when she witnessed the live sex.
You see the production (the adult video). You see the making process (live sex.) Also the grueling scene of the body of the unconscious porn star being dragged around. Which one do you believe? The sanitized (or dramatized) result? Or the real (realistic) one. Now I don't know if I can see straight to the poster with their sweet smile.
The newscast and the Adult video (which one is more pornographic?)
The TV news shows the idotic game of spitting the watermelon seed and the legislative yuan (Taiwan's parliament) farce.
The bathroom scene of simulated sex scene between Lee Kang-sheng and Lu Yi-jing is a self-mocking scene of Tsai's water-obsessed metaphors. I think Tsai wants to make a joke of how he made his previous films.....
I heard that An Lee had attended the premiere of "Wayward Cloud" in Kaohsiung. If Tsai Ming-liang is as "cinema's most consistent oeuvre" (Village Voice), then An Lee is the opposite, most unpredicable, genre-wise.

片中和"蔣銅像"的愛撫戲,在"你那邊幾點"片中,己有一幕陸弈靜在床上,有蔣公遺照旁,用籐枕自慰。大概在投射台灣的一些(有意,無意的)愛戴者, 不是很合"今夕是何夕"嗎。不過現在"天邊一朵雲"的蔣愛撫戲,only comic effects, no shocking value. (I mean it a good way)
我最喜歡的一段是,李康生和陳湘琪在桌下with cigarette. So beautifully shot, witty and erotic, probably Tsai Ming-liang's answer to his own A片。
About the implication of the "dubbed" effect in adult video,
1. At the last (very dramatic) scene, Chen Shiang-qi's vocalization over the twosome sex scene between Lee Kang-sheng and the Japanese porn actress.
2. The scene of Chen Shiang-qi's fake birth-giving (with a big watermelon) with her moaning. Next scene is the porn star's masturbation with a pet bottle. Of course, she is moaning as well.
3. The 60's musical scenes, no doubt, are dubbed.
The saddest moment
The alleged "oral sex" scene is less shocking to me than sad. I haven't seen such a (almost) still shot of pseudo oral-sex scene that is such a sad and mediatating still-time event.
The emphasis
The last scene...
Since when, the focus is all on the exchanging gaze between Chen Shiang-qi and Lee kang-sheng instead of the porn-making process. I mean, the attention gathering is on the emotional side instead of physical sex act.
And the China Airline Stewardess
Why is there a poster (two nicely dressed stewardess) right next to Chen Shiang-qi when she witnessed the live sex.
You see the production (the adult video). You see the making process (live sex.) Also the grueling scene of the body of the unconscious porn star being dragged around. Which one do you believe? The sanitized (or dramatized) result? Or the real (realistic) one. Now I don't know if I can see straight to the poster with their sweet smile.
The newscast and the Adult video (which one is more pornographic?)
The TV news shows the idotic game of spitting the watermelon seed and the legislative yuan (Taiwan's parliament) farce.
The bathroom scene of simulated sex scene between Lee Kang-sheng and Lu Yi-jing is a self-mocking scene of Tsai's water-obsessed metaphors. I think Tsai wants to make a joke of how he made his previous films.....
I heard that An Lee had attended the premiere of "Wayward Cloud" in Kaohsiung. If Tsai Ming-liang is as "cinema's most consistent oeuvre" (Village Voice), then An Lee is the opposite, most unpredicable, genre-wise.