Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Thank you, rumor mongers, the TV news

The local news (especially TV) in Taiwan have been transformed tremendously, for better or worse.

I remembered, back in 1996, the TV news were criticized as the "mousepiece" of CNN because of unedited footages from the U.S. primary campaigns (and for that matter, the U.S. presidential election).

Now we can pat ourselves on the back. The TV news are 100% Taiwan's view (not seeing the world through the U.S. media). Thank you so much for restoring our national dignity (wink).

Right now, the airwaves are filled with salacious titbits and extreme form of speculation ("Endemic? The end of the world?"). If there is not enough "if it bleeds, it leads" news, such as "the bidding price of one celebrity for a one-night stand", the "international" news will fill in (say some tragic stunt in nowhere, U.S.A.)

沒關係,如果電視新聞不是娛樂性高,也不會去每一間店都轉到News Channels.


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