Monday, June 13, 2005

The Immoral Media

Does it make any sense that the TV media (and the print, take that!) can castigate the shameful "made-up" so-called "腳尾飯" (the food for the funeral purpose into the eatery, but I've heard that phrase腳尾飯 for the first time) without any reflection?

We witness the media broadcast the "made-up" videotape (so-called hidden camera tape as evidence) and simulating video (close-up shot of the garbage can, superimpose the pig's leg....) eating while reading this blog at your own risk!

At least, on the bright side, after a few days, the self-correction process in the media is on the way. It quickly pointed out the bizarre and inconsistent accusation and made the fact clear.

Lesson: 作為社會公器, 照本宣科已是罪過罪過, 還加油添醋, 加拍"如果真的腳尾飯被做成便當..", 該說什麼呢。

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