Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Financial Times: "Our party's [DPP] platform says we want economic liberalisation but at the same time we demand fairness and social security. Since the president [Chen Shui-bian] has failed to set priorities, nothing gets done at all." (by Lee Wen-chung, another heavyweight in the DPP's legislative caucus, blames Mr Chen for the DPP government's weak policy record.)
Saturday, December 24, 2005

天邊一朵雲 蔡明亮獲法國南特影展導演獎
11/30/2005 3:06:37 PM
Thursday, December 22, 2005
How to achieve a goal (in this case, the DPP's chairpersonship election), without resorting to machiavellian?
Antonio Chiang's lucid column presents the delimma.
Antonio Chiang's lucid column presents the delimma.
林義雄發表兩封措辭嚴厲的公開信,又勸翁金珠出馬參選黨主席,民進黨內一片驚慌,把他當做《舊約》裡面的人物,對他又敬又畏,且畏比敬多。他所作所為像是神諭,需要專家解讀,這實在是可笑的現象。 其實,林義雄對陳先生和游先生的批評,並沒有太苛之處,他只不過表達民進黨內部多數人的心聲,但是這些話由他公開講出來,特別難聽。 |
要讓新領導能出線 林義雄雖然不管政治,但他曾任黨主席,對民進黨的前途憂心忡忡,對阿扁政府的表現痛心疾首,這些悲憤在他簡潔有力的公開信中表露無遺。 許多人認定翁金珠出馬角逐黨主席,是衝著游錫?而來,卻可能間接保送蔡同榮上壘,因此十分不解林義雄的動機和目標,不曉得他為何如此不顧大局。 依 我的觀察,林義雄並沒有那麼複雜,也不會這樣權謀,他一直相信一種素樸的民主原則,認為建立多元化的政治文化和制度,比人事安排更重要。這次黨主席由誰擔 任不是那麼重要,重要的是,整個參與和選舉的過程,要讓新領導階層有出線的機會,且要能回應基層黨員的期待,這樣的民進黨,才有進步的空間。 這幾 年,黨政定於一尊,均籠罩在阿扁身影之下。民進黨內成為一言堂,原有的銳氣和元氣都消失了,反省檢討風氣也不見了。林義雄認為應該為現狀負責的人,以及未 來有意角逐重要公職的人,都不應該參加競選。這種主張既符合民主常識,也符合民進黨必須革新才能生存的要求,其實也是卑之無甚高論。游錫?的勝算最大,但 他對阿扁亦步亦趨的形象,對他已變成負擔。翁金珠的勝算不大,但她的形象、作風和經驗,卻均符合這些基本的民主原則。 |
應找回失去的活力 英國保守黨的新任黨魁今年三十九歲,只有四年國會議員的資歷。保守黨是比國民黨更老的老黨,民進黨還不到二十歲,現在都已失去動力。如何找回失去的朝氣和活力,比二○○八更重要。 翁金珠的參選越想越有道理。林義雄的表達方式有時會令人難以接受,但他的基本信念和主張,卻是民進黨救亡圖存的重要資產。 |
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Who else can claim the so-called Trend (read: I know what's on your mind) of 2005?
2005 Year-End Google Zeitgeist
2005 Year-End Google Zeitgeist
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
the great time-waster (tongue in cheek)
BBC Radio3 embarked a 9-day all-Bach radioathon. The "Listen Again" section keeps last 7-day broadcasted segments. The entire Bach repertoire will be broadcasted till the Christmas day. One listener wrote in: "Stop it! I can't do anything at all."
BBC Radio3 embarked a 9-day all-Bach radioathon. The "Listen Again" section keeps last 7-day broadcasted segments. The entire Bach repertoire will be broadcasted till the Christmas day. One listener wrote in: "Stop it! I can't do anything at all."
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Nowadays, I seldom agree with Antonio Chiang for whom I used to admire. But what his column inculcates today I fully acknowledge (and his not-so-late reminder) and want to pit it against with yesterday's Liberty Times' editorial.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
This BMW promotional short, "Chosen", is by Ang Lee (edited by Tim Squyres). I have seen the entire BMW shorts (including Wong Kar-wai's "The Fellow").
Tim Squyres have edited many Lee's work (including "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"). The most recent one (not by Ang Lee) he edited is "Syriana" (2005).
Chen Kaige's new high-profile martial-arts "The Promise", which I haven't seen, may do some justice to Wong's "Ashes of Time" (1994) when that genre hasn't been aroused all over. Just look at Jang Dong-kun's look.
Tim Squyres have edited many Lee's work (including "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"). The most recent one (not by Ang Lee) he edited is "Syriana" (2005).
Chen Kaige's new high-profile martial-arts "The Promise", which I haven't seen, may do some justice to Wong's "Ashes of Time" (1994) when that genre hasn't been aroused all over. Just look at Jang Dong-kun's look.
I own a 4G iPod mini for a year.
IPod mini, its design and functionality still excel, imho.
IPod mini, its design and functionality still excel, imho.
eBay spokesman Dean Jutilla said that about 36,000 minis have sold on eBay in the past three months, with an average of 15 to 16 bids per auction. Jutilla also noted that the average price per mini—whether 4GB or 6GB—has gone up from $173 to $229.