Wednesday, July 02, 2008
壹蘋果網絡 | 政治 專欄 | 減稅才能提高台灣競爭力(李佩頻) | 2008-07-02
>>鄰近的港、澳亦廢除遺產稅多年,美國則預計自2010年起廢除。(full text)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
quotes from hou hsiao-hsien about "the flight of the red balloon"
Paris was a punt, he admits, but ultimately worthwhile. "I didn't know Paris very well because every time I went to France I went to the Cannes film festival.
"But one thing that intrigues me about Paris is that it has a lot of details in its daily life. There are cafes, little streets, all these details, people all gather around. They have a lot of detail in their culture," he says.
"Parisians may appear detached, but I feel there's a very refined but flexible relationship between private and public spaces there, whereas Tokyo is very rigid and the rules are strict, while Taipei is the total opposite to them both because basically there are no rules.",25197,23769359-16947,00.html
Monday, April 07, 2008
Music; from Vengerov to 陳小霞 Chen Hsiao-Hsia
Back to Taiwan, last night, I watched Public TV's "Sunday night fever," a music variety program. One of the themes is about a Taiwanese pop song writer, Chen Hsiao-Hsia, whose repertoire spans more than two decades. Such as 溫柔的慈悲(1992) and 周蕙's 約定。
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
日媒專訪》李遠哲表態 挺謝當總統;
Sunday, January 13, 2008
after the election.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
高院的判決立下一個清楚的分水嶺;特別費之申報雙軌制不是歷史共業,也沒有制度缺漏,要單據部分必須清清楚楚,據實以報,觸犯了就是刑法貪污、瀆職及偽造 文書罪;另一半毋須單據部分,只要首長出示領據,錢怎麼領、怎麼花,首長自己面對社會公評或議會監督。馬英九特別費因此案標準判了無罪,未來翁、蘇、謝特 別費也應無罪;而陳水扁國務機要費,呂、游特別費都可能有罪。
北 市長特別費一月高達34萬,領據補貼的半數等於17萬,高於市長的本薪15萬。說起來馬英九若全數當成薪資補貼,其實並不合理。過去北高市長會遠高於其他 縣市首長8萬8的特別費,其實是為了體例上比照省長。省長選民高達近二千萬人,紅白喜帖、犒賞等數額不得了,因為直轄市與省同級,北高市長即比照相同特別 費。凍省後,北高市未回歸正軌,算是市府及議會編列預算上的陋習。要馬英九一人為此承擔罪名,不公平。
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
stop and smell the twittering sound
Monday, November 05, 2007
Edward Yang's 'Yi Yi' Comes to Taiwan's Film Festival
Thursday, September 13, 2007
少一根筋的自由時報:台灣入聯公投 國際媒體聲援
9/8/2007 自由時報:台灣入聯公投 國際媒體聲援
經濟學人︰美方反對 恐起反效果
原文是: (italic added by me)America's reaction has convinced the DPP, already sceptical of the depth of American support for Taiwan, that it has nothing to lose by pursuing a campaign that is bound to harm ties.
推動入聯公投, 會傷害台美關係, 將毫無損失。
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
不要補貼計程車,讓起步費率漲,讓所謂的搭小黃族承受高油價, 而不是由處於經濟弱勢的計程車運將為了怕調漲,生意變成清淡,而自己苦哈哈的吸收高油價,反而成了浮動油價的政策下的最大受害者之一。
要補貼計程車? 這作者一方面說補貼不公平(對機車), 又說補貼了太少,業者要調漲,補貼就會取消。
目的就是要,避免大眾因油價的政策,又增加了個人私有車輛的使用率。如,本來坐小黃/客運的, 改用機車,或開車。
其實, 使用者付費誰都瞭。機車/汽車在都會人口密集區所造成的footprint(環境負面影響),也是該重視的啦!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
三十的男人就像四十的女人, 說了什麼就知道聽的人傻得會當真
turned 40 this month.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
The Criterion Collection: Yi Yi (DVD set)

Two pieces about late Edward Yang.
Kent Jones's essay in The Criterion Collection of Yi Yi DVD.
Tativille Blog: In memory of Edward Yang.
My previous post about 台北二一, but also mentioned Yi Yi.
related trailer.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
(2004), mentioned about some of his gifts.
Friday, June 01, 2007
About Mr. Chen Shui-bian's comment about "not closing any TV stations during his term"
Monday, March 19, 2007
The Economist article about Taiwan.... (lost, quite deliberately, in translation)
====> 蔣的歷史功過,在台灣並沒有給予應有的檢驗.
==> 或許這是民進黨在選舉前的政治操作,但是操不操作還是其次
But they fear that Taiwan, by breaking with Chiang's legacy, may also be breaking away from the Chinese mainland.
這裏用 breaking with....... breaking away from...... (英文看起來,比較有對仗美)
caption: "no longer mourned" (這也沒翻, "沒有人在哀悼它", 這是雙關語, 可以指哀悼蔣銅像的移除,或對他本人的哀悼)
title: "Cultural revolution" (這也是雙關語, 有人會覺得這是像中國的文化大革命,也有人會覺得這是台灣自己在從事心理上的
說到標題, The Economist 最會用半開玩笑的口氣, 三週前, 有一篇about "chinese consumption", 叫"會有奇蹟出現嗎"(Can pigs fly?),會不會有人看作是中國是豬?
Chinese consumption (
Can pigs fly?
Feb 22nd 2007 | HONG KONG
From The Economist print edition
China's households are not as tight-fisted as you think
==========================="打破了蔣介石的遺跡", what is this? 誰要賠....呵...
經濟學人去蔣化報導 統派媒體硬拗為文革
![]() |
經濟學人雜誌報導台灣打算拆除中正紀念堂圍牆的新聞,以 |
〔記 者王平宇/台北報導〕「經濟學人」雜誌以「文化革命」
還原這篇報導,其副標題訂為「獨裁者遺產的戰爭」(The fight over a dictator's legacy)。文中多次將蔣介石與獨裁者作直接連結
Cultural revolution
Mar 15th 2007 | TAIPEI
From The Economist print edition
The fight over a dictator's legacy
CHIANG KAI-SHEK may once have been revered as a near-god on Taiwan, where .............
This has provoked a political row, which this week engulfed Taiwan's defence minister, Lee Jye. He was expelled from the Kuomintang (KMT), Chiang's former ruling party, for allowing statues of the old nationalist to be removed from Taiwan's military bases.
Chiang's legacy has never been properly examined in Taiwan. Arguments about the past are also fights over what the island should be in the future: a part of China (the view of Chiang Kai-shek and his political heirs), or an independent nation with a distinct, non-Chinese Taiwanese identity.
The current government of President Chen Shui-bian, whose Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leans towards independence (but which appointed a KMT man as defence minister), intensified its campaign against the generalissimo as the island marked the 60th anniversary of the "228 Incident"—the KMT's violent suppression of protests against its rule on February 28th 1947. An estimated 28,000 were killed.
Blaming the massacres on Chiang and the "outside" regime of the KMT, the DPP announced plans to rename the giant Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei as the "Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall", and tear down the sanctuary's perimeter wall. The central government dropped "China" from the names of many state enterprises last month. There is talk of removing Chiang's portrait from Taiwanese coins.
DPP leaders may be politicking ahead of parliamentary elections in December, and presidential polls next March. But there is more at stake. By casting the 228 Incident as a clash between Taiwanese and KMT "outsiders", the DPP has not only opened old wounds in Taiwan but also created anxiety in Beijing. China's Communists may have been at odds with the generalissimo. But they fear that Taiwan, by breaking with Chiang's legacy, may also be breaking away from the Chinese mainland.
No longer mourned
Friday, March 09, 2007
Tight Election Outcomes..
Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Ongoing Mexico Presidential Election Recount... (comparison of selected tight races)
Monday, June 19, 2006
Taiwan's Youth-Obsession Culture
For those who are fed up with the youth-obsession culture of Taiwan (eeh, it's a shame you are already TWENTY-FOUR !?),? this Comment article in the current issue of the New Yorker is nicely welcomed.
It's about a ringtone only teenagers can hear it.
Monday, June 12, 2006
1. 在桃園國際機場發生一些社會事件,為何是在國家大門出醜?
中國的國家大門,在北京?上海算不算? 美國的大門呢?
紐約?(有三個機場)華盛頓? (附近有二個)
2. 政要在外國, 或外國人面前,不能批評台灣, 為什麼?
那在New York Times 或華爾街日報的言論版發表投書,為什麼沒人說不好?
國外又不是會不看證據,只聽指控就下定論. (台灣,嗯,國情不同呀)
3. 如果天氣預報的下雨確率是30%. 為什麼只要在10次有這樣預報說是30%的天數中,真的有三次是下雨天,就是準確的預測? (不是嗎)
4. 為什麼, 所有的財經報導,在台股往上衝時,就只會預測會沖上幾千(或萬)點. 等到跌不停時, 又預測多少多少點可能保不住.
不是應該在往上衝時,告訴我幾點左右就會不保, 反之, 往下瀉時, 會在幾點附近保住支撐點嗎? 畫那麼多技術線幹麼? 乖離!
5. CNN 現在已經不是以前的CNN了, 只要有國會打架,狗和貓共處一窩, 都會迫不及待,播之而後快, 所以一直強調國會的亂象上了CNN, 不是像是說"號外,今天的蘋果頭版有車禍血淋淋照片" 嗎?
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
有人在講邏輯嗎? Or someone loses his mind?
那駙馬爺不是媒體人的欲加之罪? (中性用語是: 女婿, damnit)
又叫人家眼睜睜的看自己女婿(sorry, 是駙馬爺)
這獨裁總統真是太客氣了。(有作假的話, 這真是"做假的", 台語)
有人在講邏輯嗎? Or someone has lost his mind?
Friday, May 12, 2006
Best Political Column of the Week
No one can write better than Antonion Chiang about the nuance of these events.
阿扁在撞牆? BY 江春男
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
如果是國民黨打民進黨的廣告(如鄭麗文)的xx 治國 (改千元大鈔的人頭),各大TV news一定會一播再播.
可是這次引起大爭議的廣告,TV news可能是護郝,就淡化處理.
Anyway, 大致是如下.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
ROC & DROC, no, it's not Taiwan & China, it's Congos
There are two neighboring countries named ROC & DROC. That is, Republic of the Congo and Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerally, as Zaire)

Republic of the Congo (light green)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (dark green)
Source: Wikipedia
Friday, April 21, 2006
When in Greece, be a Greek
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Conviction Without Partisanship
Say, some are thinking about how to lift Taiwan's profile (or for that matter, improve relationship with China) *all the time*. They may not wish to miss any second to promote their political beliefs. I admire and respect the idealism they exude. But will cooler head prevail?
Such a philosophical predicament.